Dear Friends,
In 1978 I had the fantastic blessing of meeting a man named Jim V. Goure. At the evening event that I attended, I was introduced to a very powerful prayer which Jim had received in deep contemplation.I started using this prayer and many miracles started happening in my life. One of the insights that I received from using this prayer was that it helped to prove the statement that Jesua made, saying “Ye are the Light of the World!” Jim shared with me that if I used the prayer diligently for 40 days and 40 nights a miracle would occur. On the 40th night I woke up in the middle of sleep and could actually hear my soul repeating this prayer inside of me.
In 1979 I had the blessing of living at the Light Center that Jim had created, in Black Mountain, North Carolina. I was blessed to live there for almost a year and become part of the staff at the Light Center. During this time I attended many lectures and seminars that Jim gave. This time for me was a time of tremendous creativity. I wrote a song every week and was blessed to sing them at many of the Lectures and seminars that Jim gave. During this time I also witnessed many miracles from using the prayer and hearing from others who used the prayer.
As a staff member of the Light Center, we received a lot of calls from people needing prayer. Jim taught us to immediately go into prayer with the person that we were praying for. Jim shared that in the precise moment of where the asking was is where the miracle was waiting. I experienced this over and over again.
After leaving the Light Center, I have continued to use the prayer and share it with others every day. Though over these last 44 years since I was first taught the Light Prayer I have studied different techniques and teachings, Which have all fallen away, I have continued to use the Light Prayer. It is very simple to do and will lead you step by step upon the journey of the Great Light Way!
One of the keys to using the prayer is to really feel it as you say it. This prayer will open your heart to the wonders of Creation as you take your place as a radiant Sun of God.
May you and your loved ones have the most beautiful of Holy day seasons ever!
Here is the prayer...
I release all of my past to the Light
I release all of my future to the Light
I release all of my negatives to the Light
I release all of my fears to the Light
I release all of my relationships to the Light
I release all of my desires to the Light
I release all of my self images to the Light
I release all of my opinions about others to the Light
I release all of opinions about money to the Light
I release all of my opinions about sex to the Light
I release all of my opinions about age and aging to the Light
I release all of my loved ones to the Light
I release all of my ancestors to the Light
I release all of my judgements to the Light
I release all of my communications to the Light
I am a radiant sphere of Light creating Good
I radiate Light from my Light center throughout my entire being
I radiate Light from my Light center to everyone
I radiate Light from my Light center to everything
I am in a bubble of Light. Only Light can come to me,only Light can go from me, only Light can be here
Thank you God for everything, everyone and for me
And now as I go through out the day, the days and nights ahead, I and the Creator are One. I Create and increase the Light in everything and in everyone. On all planes of existence and in all dimensions throughout all of Creation and I am always in the right place, at the right time, doing and saying the right things and meeting, sharing and conversing with the right people
And thank you God that this is so
After doing this for a while, there will be a point in time where you feel that you have released everything. At that moment, change the word release to I create Light in all of my past ect. After doing this for a while change I create Light to I increase the Light. Then after a while, take it a step farther and say I create Light in all past ect. then after a while say I increase the Light in all past ect.
In this way you take it from the individual self to the Christ self.
You can use this prayer for anyone or anything. Just insert the name of who or what it is that you would like to pray for.
Something else that is very powerful and takes the ego out of it is: If you desire for something to happen in your life or others, such as a new job, say I am in a bubble of Light and the perfect job for me is in a bubble of Light and our two bubbles are merging together as one and thank you God that this is so.
Whatever it is, place yourself and it in bubbles of Light and merge the two together. I have seen this work time and time again. simple, but very powerful.
As my mentor and friend Jim Goure said to me, “do this for forty days and forty night and you will receive a powerful miracle”.
Try it and see for yourself.
Infinite blessings
Jonathon Shalomar
Jonathon Shalomar Light