Mount Shasta Awaits you...

Precious friends,

As I sit here watching the Sun set on mystical Mount Shasta, my thoughts wander ahead to September when ancient friends shall come together again. Yes, we have been together before, long long ago in a place forgotten by time, Tho' not by the soul.

The Great Mountain is calling each of you to Her that She may share Her secrets and mysteries that indeed, you may remember. "And from the Heavens a brilliant Light shall shine upon the Great Mountain and all upon and within Her shall be transformed. The Council from the Galactic Sun shall convene once again."

I am only the Great Mountain's servant, sending out Her invitations to you. Thank you for answering Her call. Though each of you have your own story and wisdom to share, when we gather together a beautiful synergistic event shall take place and we will merge into the one Galactic heart.

Whether you are a presenter or an attendee you are each an
integral part of the Living Truth Summit 2020.

Mount Shasta awaits you...


If Your Heart Feels Called~


I had a dream...